Panel – Studio 3
Sarah Govett (The Territory) leads a panel discussion on all things apocalypse. Join Nadia Mikail – (The Cats We Meet Along the Way) and Melissa Welliver (My Love Life and the Apocalypse) in a conversation on apocalyptic Malaysian road trips, tech-fuelled survival, and how to live and love beyond the END of days. (spoiler alert: it ain’t easy)
About Melissa Welliver

Melissa Welliver writes speculative fiction about how the end of the world is never really the end of the world. After studying Creative Writing at the University of Manchester, she went on to complete Curtis Brown Creative’s Writing for Children course. Her work has listed in Bath Novel Award, Mslexia, the Hachette Children’s Novel Award and the Wells Book for Children Competition. Melissa lives in the North of England with her doodles, Maude and Zelda.
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About Nadia Mikail

Nadia Mikail is a full-time houseplant owner and part-time investigative journalist of what London's pigeons are planning when they flock together like that. She is mostly unsuccessful at (but still hopeful about) both these occupations. Nadia is from Sarawak in Malaysia, but is currently studying law in London. The Cats We Meet Along the Way is her debut novel and was named as the overall winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2023.
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About Sarah Govett

Sarah graduated from Oxford University with a First in Law. She then qualified as a solicitor at a prestigious City law firm. However, she quickly realised that the City was not for her and she began a career in education, running her own tutoring agency. Sarah’s experiences as a tutor inspired her first dystopian trilogy, The Territory (winner of the TSBA 2018 award and Gateshead Teen Book Award 2018; ‘the 1984 of our time’ The Guardian). This was followed by another dystopian novel, We Go On Forever (shortlisted for the TSBA 2023, ‘I love reading Sarah Govett’ Dame Emma Thompson) and a comedy series, India Smythe (‘A triumph’ Teach Secondary Magazine, ‘The writing is so sharp you might cut yourself’ TeenLibrarian).
Sarah is also the co-writer of T.I.M., an A.I. thriller film, out later this year on a major streamer, and is currently developing a Christmas family film with a production company.
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