Once Upon a Time at Camp 2021

Posted by Team Camp YA in Activity

Once upon a time, three teams came together to form the best camp on the lake – and the rest is history. Now it’s your turn: over our Discord channel, the Camp YA community will come together to tell an epic story, sentence by sentence. Based on our starter, you and your fellow campers will construct a tale of magnificent proportions – and where it goes is entirely up to you.

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Once upon a time, at camp, a girl could have sworn she saw eyes in the back of a counsellor’s head.

Granted, she’d had a lot of s’mores, but surely a sugar high couldn’t cause such clear hallucinations.

She had first seen them when walking along Lake Trout, where she had lost her footing upon a rogue pebble, and as she looked up her gaze caught sight of two glinting gems in the back of their head- before they blinked and rendered her now unable to rise from her crouch due to shock.

It can’t have been she thought. Maybe the sugar has rushed to her head. Sure it was theoretically possible, she’d seen the movies after all. But not herrrre, at Camp YA. She would need to do some investigating.

First, she went to the beaver cabin. they, like their namesake, were good at hiding all sorts of things – perhaps they were just as good as revealing it when the time came.

She knocked on the door of their cabin. But as she did, the door opened by itself. “Hello?”, she called in. No answer. She looked around outside hoping to see someone. But no such luck. She debated on going in, or running to the Common room to get help.

The window was jammed, but it was opened. She dug her shoulder into the pane until it ever so slowly, ever so painfully, opened.

She crouched upon the window pane as a soft breeze spoke sweet messages of warning. In a moment of idiocy her left foot landed on the smooth wooden floorboards within. Then the right- and she was in.
